
Disclosure: I don't really play video games so my apologies that this is probably the briefest and least helpful section of them all.

Microsoft Windows has had the monopoly on PC gaming for decades but this is starting to change. With Apple Macs becoming ever popular, and the push from Steam to support Linux gaming, non-Windows platforms are now viable.

Surprisingly, most games on Steam work fine in Linux. This is due to a push by Valve, who had ambitions to make their own gaming console, based on Linux. Valve also created the Proton compatibility layer for running some Windows games on Linux, by installing the game in Steam or importing the game into it. You can take a look at ProtonDB for more information and compatible games.

If you have the right hardware, gaming in a Windows VM with GPU pass-through within Linux is about as close to a perfect solution as you can get without dual-booting into Windows. Setting up a pass-through VM for gaming is beyond the scope of this document but you can find a growing number of tutorials and users online who can help.

Another gaming platform to try is Lutris. It is still beta quality but it aims to simplify Linux gaming, including the process to run games through Wine.